Organizing Home Care Services

Welcome to UK HealthCare Support Ltd, your trusted source for compassionate and competent healthcare solutions. With a legacy spanning over 75 years, we’ve been a pillar of trust for our clients and their families, delivering dedicated hourly home care services. Our mission revolves around enhancing health and overall well-being, all within the comfort of your cherished home.


Hourly home care, also known as visiting care, is tailored to meet your additional support needs within the familiar setting of your home. Our team of skilled and compassionate carers are here to assist you with:

  • Household tasks
  • Personal care
  • Meal preparation and cooking
  • Any activity that empowers you to maintain your independence and quality of life

Our care at home can be scheduled from as little as one hour per visit, all the way up to multiple visits throughout the day or week, based on your unique care requirements. For those requiring comprehensive support, our hourly care can extend to a full 24-hour period.

Our hourly home care services can be particularly beneficial if you’re dealing with specific conditions that impact your ability to live independently, such as:

  • Dementia or Parkinson’s care on an hourly basis
  • Post-illness or post-hospitalization recovery support
  • Assistance at home during your stroke recovery journey.

Experience the comfort and quality of care that UK HealthCare Support Ltd brings to you. Your well-being is our priority.


When is the Right Time to Begin Home Care?

Each person is unique, and our comprehensive range of home care services is designed to be adaptable to individual needs. Research and proactive planning for care, rather than responding to a crisis, have been shown to enable more effective adjustment and adaptation to new care arrangements. It also provides the opportunity to have a say in how and by whom care is delivered. Early intervention can lead to better health outcomes, reduced hospital admissions, and a delay in the deterioration of health.

If you’re experiencing mobility issues and are at risk of falling, receiving home care can help minimize the chances of accidents that might lead to hospitalization. A well-structured care plan, delivered by a highly trained and attentive caregiver, can ensure your safety and well-being in the comfort of your own home.

We’ve gained extensive experience in supporting individuals of all ages, from babies and children to older adults. Caring for a family member or loved one can be a rewarding responsibility, but there are various reasons why family caregivers may need a break. Increasing care demands can become overwhelming, and family caregivers may seek assistance. Some family caregivers may be aging themselves, impacting their ability to provide care. Work commitments can also necessitate external support. We take a collaborative approach, working with families to provide the necessary support while ensuring their own health and well-being are preserved. Having a skilled and empathetic caregiver who understands the needs of both the care recipient and the broader family brings peace of mind and reassurance to everyone involved.

How Will My Care and Support Funding Be Arranged?

When arranging home care services, it’s essential to consider how you will cover the associated costs and whether any funding options are available to you. Depending on your healthcare needs and financial situation, you may be eligible for healthcare funding through your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or social care funding, either in full or in part. Additionally, there could be other government funding avenues you may explore.

The initial step in arranging home care is to consult with your GP or your local community healthcare team. They can provide guidance on the potential funding sources and the process for accessing them. If you are pursuing funding through your CCG or social services team, you will typically undergo a care needs assessment to determine the level of funding you may qualify for.

If you are eligible for government funding or funding from your CCG, you will have the option to select a care provider yourself and manage the care arrangement via a personal budget and direct payments, or the authorities may handle this on your behalf. It’s worth noting that if they organize and cover your care package, they may have a list of preferred providers to choose from.

With our extensive experience collaborating with case managers, commissioning teams, local authorities, and other professionals involved in procuring specialized home care, we are dedicated to delivering appropriate care at the right time throughout life.

In cases where you do not qualify for funding, you will be responsible for financing the care independently, known as self-funding care. Numerous options are available to finance self-funded care, including long-term care insurance policies that can cover care fees over an extended period. You may also combine self-funding with partial funding from other sources. Before committing to any financial policy, it’s advisable to seek independent later-life financial advice.

Varieties of Home Care Services

Home care services can be tailored to meet your specific care and support requirements, ranging in intensity to suit your needs. Our reputable and well-established home care services can be provided through the following options:

  1. Hourly Care (Visiting Care): This option is designed for individuals who require assistance with daily living tasks or clinical care at specific times during the day. Home care can be delivered in visits ranging from 30 minutes to multiple hours, on selected days or several days a week, depending on your care needs. For those with complex requirements, hourly care can extend to provide 24-hour support.

  2. Live-In Care: When continuous and round-the-clock care is essential for maintaining a person’s well-being at home, live-in care is the ideal solution. Through our network of leading home care brands in the UK, we offer award-winning live-in care services that have received exemplified by The Good Care Group.

  3. Respite Care: Respite care is designed for individuals who require a short-term care arrangement, such as after hospital discharge for rehabilitation or when a family caregiver needs a temporary break from their caregiving responsibilities. It is also an excellent choice for families wishing to assess whether home care is the right option for their needs.

Selecting a Home Care Provider

When selecting a home care provider, several important factors should be taken into account:

Quality Assurance through Regulated Service Provision: – UKHCS is  an agency; we provide a fully home care service. This ensures that our clients, their families, and our professional partners can have confidence in the exceptional quality of care and support we offer and we  earning a five-star rating.

Fully Managed Service or Introduction Agency: – When arranging home care, you must decide how involved you want to be in managing your care. A fully managed service provides caregivers who are employed, extensively trained, and closely supervised to ensure the delivery of high-quality care. – Introduction agencies, on the other hand, connect you with self-employed caregivers who require management, supervision, and payment arrangements to be handled by the family. Covering for time off or holidays can be challenging, potentially affecting the continuity of care. Many families prefer the peace of mind and assurance that comes from a fully managed service provider.

The Value of Recommendations: – When arranging home care, seeking recommendations from people you know can be valuable, especially if it’s your first experience with this type of care. – Consulting your local authority social services team can also be beneficial, as they can recommend reputable providers who meet essential quality and compliance standards. – Additionally, there are online platforms for ratings and reviews of care providers in the UK, such as and NHS Choices. The United Kingdom Home Care Association (UKHCA) can provide a list of reputable providers for you to consider.

Home Care Arrangement Checklist

Once you have determined the type of provider that aligns with your needs, it is advisable to reach out to multiple home care providers to gather information about the care and support they offer and how they operate. This will help you make an informed decision.

  • Can you meet my specific care requirements? Do you offer complex care or support for individuals with dementia?
  • When was your last inspection, and what is your current rating?
  • How do you recruit your carers or care assistants? What background checks and referencing processes do you employ?
  • Do you provide training for your carers or care assistants, and what does this training encompass?
  • Are your carers or care assistants employed by your organization or self-employed?
  • Do you offer nursing care if it becomes necessary?
  • In case of issues or emergencies, whom should I contact?
  • Do you have local support available?
  • How do you match carers or care assistants to my specific needs?
  • What is the procedure for setting up a care package?

Reach out to our approachable care specialists to discuss your care and support requirements, or connect with a nearby branch. We offer unbiased guidance and recommendations to help you make the best decision for both you and your family

Call Us on

0208 0502850

and talk to us today about your care needs

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“Both of my husband’s carers have been absolutely brilliant. They are very professional and have a real calming influence, which is essential with my husband’s care. They are both naturally empathetic and the rapport that they have both built with my husband has enabled me to trust them and given me much needed peace of mind.”

Joan – Client’s Wife
Case Study Home Care Case Studies

“I have been very impressed with the efficiency of your company and the professionalism and compassion of your carers. My mother certainly regarded her carers as friends for the last year of her life and her mobility has much improved.”

Aileen’s Daughter
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“We could not be happier with our choice of care provider. UK Health Care Support  in London have lived up to the high standards we were looking for. Professionalism and compassionate – from the management team to the carers. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as us and needs peace of mind, trust and quality of care.”

Julian – Client’s Son
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“Thank you to UK Health Care Support  in North London. You have managed to provide a fantastic service with skilled and consistent carers over the past few months . The progress she has made would not have been possible without them.”

Robert – Client’s Husband