Is Financial Assistance Available to Offset the Expenses of Visiting Care?

Exploring Funding Options for Visiting Care Services

You might be eligible for various forms of financial assistance to help cover the expenses associated with visiting care.

NHS Continuing Healthcare funding is accessible to those with a primary healthcare requirement, whether in a healthcare facility or your own home, and is managed by your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). However, the eligibility process is rigorous and time-consuming. To determine your eligibility, you should initiate a continuing care assessment through your social worker or GP.

Social care funding, on the other hand, is offered by your local council and is means-tested, taking into account both your financial situation and care needs. If you’re receiving care at home, the assessment will not consider your property’s value. If your capital (savings and property) exceeds £23,250, you may need to self-fund your care.

To evaluate your eligibility for social care funding, you must request a care needs assessment from your local authority.

Additionally, you might be entitled to Government funding assistance to assist with your visiting care expenses. This can include benefits like Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Pension Credit, and Council Tax Reductions, among others, depending on your specific circumstances.

To make informed decisions about home care and understand visiting care costs, reach out to us for a no-obligation care assessment. We offer comprehensive care and support services in over 30 locations across England and Scotland, often with the flexibility to arrange care packages within 24 hours

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“Both of my husband’s carers have been absolutely brilliant. They are very professional and have a real calming influence, which is essential with my husband’s care. They are both naturally empathetic and the rapport that they have both built with my husband has enabled me to trust them and given me much needed peace of mind.”

Joan – Client’s Wife
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“I have been very impressed with the efficiency of your company and the professionalism and compassion of your carers. My mother certainly regarded her carers as friends for the last year of her life and her mobility has much improved.”

Aileen’s Daughter
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“We could not be happier with our choice of care provider. UK Health Care Support  in London have lived up to the high standards we were looking for. Professionalism and compassionate – from the management team to the carers. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as us and needs peace of mind, trust and quality of care.”

Julian – Client’s Son
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“Thank you to UK Health Care Support  in North London. You have managed to provide a fantastic service with skilled and consistent carers over the past few months . The progress she has made would not have been possible without them.”

Robert – Client’s Husband