Funding from the Government for Home-Based Care

When considering long-term care and support for a loved one, it’s wise to begin exploring the financial aspects as early as possible. At UKHCS, we’ve been assisting families across the country in comprehending how they can finance in-home care. This could involve accessing available funding options or exploring financial programs that can help cover the costs of care.

If you or a family member is living with a disability, facing a chronic illness, or are an elderly individual in need of assistance with daily activities to maintain independence, you may be eligible for Government funding or support from your local authority. In cases where complex care is required, such as nurse-led care, it’s advisable to investigate healthcare funding possibilities first, as this can significantly offset overall care expenses, provided you meet the criteria for identified healthcare needs. Additionally, depending on your financial situation, you might qualify for social care funding. In this guide, we’ll provide comprehensive information on the assistance available through your local authority and the Government.

Children's Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

If you have a child under the age of 16 with complex care needs, requiring more support than a child without a disability, you may be eligible to apply for Government funding known as Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

To qualify, the difficulties your child faces must have been present for at least three months, with the expectation that they will persist for at least six months. There’s one exception: if a child is terminally ill and not expected to live more than six months, the three-month requirement does not apply.

DLA comprises two components: the care component and the mobility component:

Care component

The funding rate from the local authority depends on the level of care and support your child needs:

  • Lowest rate: Care and support needed for some periods during the day.
  • Middle rate: Frequent care and support or constant supervision during the day or night. This rate also applies to a child needing help while on dialysis.
  • Highest rate: Applied if your child requires constant supervision both day and night or is living with a terminal illness.

Mobility component

The funding rate depends on the level of assistance your child needs to get around:

  • Lowest rate: Your child can walk but requires supervision outdoors.
  • Highest rate: Your child cannot walk or can only walk a short distance with severe difficulties or discomfort. This rate also applies if your child is blind or has severe sight impairment.

How to claim DLA

To apply for DLA for your child, you must be their parent or guardian, including foster parents, grandparents, siblings, and stepparents.

To begin the application process, you can contact the Disability Living Allowance helpline at 0800 121 4600 or obtain and complete the DLA claim form.


If you’ve been receiving DLA as a child and have reached the age of 16, you can apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), which replaces DLA for adults.

To be eligible for PIP, you must be over 16 and usually not have reached state pension age. You should have a health condition or disability that causes difficulties with daily living or mobility, often both, for more than three months, with an expectation that these challenges will last for at least nine months. You can claim PIP whether you are employed or not.

Similar to DLA for children, you’ll be assessed to determine the daily living difficulties and mobility issues you face:

Daily difficulties

You need assistance more than half the time with:

  • Reading and communication
  • Preparing or eating food
  • Personal hygiene activities (washing, using the toilet, or bathing)
  • Dressing or undressing
  • Managing finances
  • Handling medications
  • Interacting with people

Mobility difficulties

You can claim PIP if you have mobility difficulties inside and outside the home.

How to claim PIP

To apply for PIP, contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) through the PIP claims line at 020 8050 2850. When you call, you’ll need specific information to advance your claim

Specialized 24-Hour In-Home Care, Supporting Every Stage of Life

Allowance for Attendance

Attendance Allowance is a financial benefit accessible to individuals aged the state pension age or older who have a disability significant enough to necessitate caregiving. Two different rates are available, depending on the level of care and support required:

Lower rate: You can claim the lower rate of £59.70 per week if you need frequent assistance or continuous supervision during the day, or supervision at night.

Higher rate: The higher rate of £89.15 per week is applicable if you require assistance or supervision throughout both day and night, or if you are coping with a terminal illness.

Payments for Attendance Allowance are not means-tested, tax-free, and are added to your pension payments. You can apply for Attendance Allowance online.


You can reduce your council tax payments, subject to an assessment, if your savings amount to less than £16,000. If you have a formal diagnosis of dementia, you may be eligible for a reduction in your council tax, or in severe cases, you may be exempt from paying the entire council tax bill.

Having home care does not affect your entitlement to a single occupancy discount. You can apply for a council tax discount through the provided link.


Caregivers' Allowance

If you provide care to a loved one, friend, or family member for a minimum of 35 hours per week, and they receive specific benefits such as DLA or PIP, you may qualify to receive a weekly financial support of £67.25.

You don’t have to be related to or live with the person you are caring for to be eligible for this allowance. Please note that only one person can claim this allowance for providing care to one individual, so if there are two caregivers, only one of you will be able to apply. To claim Carers Allowance, you can submit your application online.

Reach out to our approachable care specialists regarding Government support for your care expenses, or contact a nearby branch. We offer unbiased guidance and counsel to help you make the best decision for yourself and your loved ones.


Complex care, often referred to as nurse-led care, is a form of CARER care overseen and managed by a highly experienced registered nurse. This registered nurse assumes responsibility for guiding and supervising the clinical care delivered by a trained caregiver, and in certain instances, may directly administer care as well. Nursing home care demands specialized expertise and knowledge to ensure the delivery of high-quality care across all facets, including clinical components, with a focus on safety, effectiveness, and an improved overall experience for the care recipient. The nursing home care service must possess the capability to recognize changes in health and adapt care accordingly.

We excel in providing specialized care for individuals affected by conditions that impact their quality of life. These conditions encompass neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or motor neurone disease, as well as physical disabilities like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. Additionally, we specialize in palliative and end-of-life care for those nearing the end of life’s journey. Our nurse-led clinical interventions include respiratory and airway support, including the management of tracheostomies, as well as assistance with feeding, including PEG feeding, and stoma and catheter care.

Complex care encompasses the following:

  • Monitoring health and documenting progress
  • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals through a multidisciplinary approach to enhance care outcomes
  • Recording and tracking symptoms
  • Managing and administering medications
  • Offering guidance and support
  • Providing education on illness management

We are committed to assisting you and your family throughout the entire process. Feel free to reach out to us at 02080502850, and one of our welcoming care advisors will furnish you with information, counsel, and advice regarding your care choices.

Alternatively, you can locate the nearest UKHCS service to your location by utilizing the search function on our website.

Our well-established nurse-led service is dedicated to caring for individuals across the generations. This includes providing paediatric care at home for infants, offering support to children with learning disabilities, assisting adolescents who have experienced life-changing accidents, and serving adults and older individuals living with neurological conditions or other physical disabilities.

Our approach to care is centered on promoting independence, fostering social interaction, and enhancing emotional well-being. We are committed to supporting individuals in reaching their full potential and leading purposeful and meaningful lives.

Our expertise extends to the specialized care of various conditions that can affect a person’s quality of life. This encompasses neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or motor neurone disease, as well as physical disabilities like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. Additionally, we provide palliative and end-of-life care for those approaching the end of their life’s journey. Our nurse-led clinical interventions encompass respiratory and airway support, including tracheostomy management, as well as assistance with feeding, including PEG feeding, and stoma and catheter care.

We specialize in providing expert care for a range of medical conditions that can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. These conditions include:

  • Arthritis
  • Acquired brain injury (ABI)
  • Bariatric care
  • Cancer
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes
  • Knee and hip replacement after-care
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mobility and frailty
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Palliative and end-of-life care
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Spina bifida
  • Spinal injury
  • Stroke

Our dedicated team is well-equipped to provide the specialized care and support needed for these conditions.

We offer a fully managed and regulated home care service, ensuring our clients, their families, and our professional partners can have complete confidence in the exceptional quality of care and support we deliver. we are registered for Treatment of Disease, Disorder, or Injury (TDDI), a distinction not held by all home care providers.

To maintain and enhance the quality and consistency of our complex care services for children and young adults, we have developed our own tailored accreditation tool. This tool enables us to continually monitor and assess our services, ensuring they consistently meet the high standards mandated by local and national regulations for top-tier care provision. This commitment provides essential assurance to our clients, their families, and collaborating professionals that they are receiving the finest care possible and allows us to continuously enhance our services.

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0208 0502850

and talk to us today about your care needs

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“Both of my husband’s carers have been absolutely brilliant. They are very professional and have a real calming influence, which is essential with my husband’s care. They are both naturally empathetic and the rapport that they have both built with my husband has enabled me to trust them and given me much needed peace of mind.”

Joan – Client’s Wife
Case Study Home Care Case Studies

“I have been very impressed with the efficiency of your company and the professionalism and compassion of your carers. My mother certainly regarded her carers as friends for the last year of her life and her mobility has much improved.”

Aileen’s Daughter
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“We could not be happier with our choice of care provider. UK Health Care Support  in London have lived up to the high standards we were looking for. Professionalism and compassionate – from the management team to the carers. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as us and needs peace of mind, trust and quality of care.”

Julian – Client’s Son
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“Thank you to UK Health Care Support  in North London. You have managed to provide a fantastic service with skilled and consistent carers over the past few months . The progress she has made would not have been possible without them.”

Robert – Client’s Husband