Home Care

Our home-based hourly care service, delivered by a skilled and compassionate caregiver, enables you to lead a fulfilling life in the comfort of your own home.
For individuals with complex needs, we offer our top-tier home care service available around the clock.
If you’re a family caregiver seeking a reprieve from your responsibilities in caring for a loved one, we offer adaptable respite services to grant you the necessary respite.
We recognize the significance of preserving dignity and independence during the caregiving process. Our devoted team of caregivers provides empathetic care and assistance for adults, enabling them to lead enriched lives within the familiarity of their homes.
Our specialized postoperative care is tailored to support a seamless recovery journey for individuals recuperating from surgery. Our experienced caregivers offer personalized assistance to ensure a secure and comfortable transition from the hospital to the home environment.
Our recovery care provides specialized assistance and support to individuals on the path to recovery from illness, injury, or surgery. We are dedicated to helping clients regain their strength and independence while in the comfort of their own homes.

Looking for complex care services?

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“Both of my husband’s carers have been absolutely brilliant. They are very professional and have a real calming influence, which is essential with my husband’s care. They are both naturally empathetic and the rapport that they have both built with my husband has enabled me to trust them and given me much needed peace of mind.”

Joan – Client’s Wife
Case Study Home Care Case Studies

“I have been very impressed with the efficiency of your company and the professionalism and compassion of your carers. My mother certainly regarded her carers as friends for the last year of her life and her mobility has much improved.”

Aileen’s Daughter
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“We could not be happier with our choice of care provider. UK Health Care Support  in London have lived up to the high standards we were looking for. Professionalism and compassionate – from the management team to the carers. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as us and needs peace of mind, trust and quality of care.”

Julian – Client’s Son
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“Thank you to UK Health Care Support  in North London. You have managed to provide a fantastic service with skilled and consistent carers over the past few months . The progress she has made would not have been possible without them.”

Robert – Client’s Husband