Financial Support for Social Care

When planning for the long-term care and support of a loved one, it is prudent to start considering your financing options as early as possible.

At UKHCS, we have been assisting families across the country in understanding how they can finance care, whether through available funding or financial programs that can contribute to the cost of care.

If you require care and support for day-to-day tasks that enable you to maintain your independence, you may be eligible for social care funding to receive the necessary assistance. However, if you have complex care needs requiring nurse-led care, it’s advisable to explore potential healthcare funding options first, as this could significantly offset the overall cost of care.

Here, we provide a comprehensive explanation of your health and social care funding options.


Social care funding in England is means-tested and allocated by your local authority. The amount of funding you may qualify for depends on your financial situation and your specific care and support requirements. Social care funding is designed to assist individuals with their daily activities and tasks. If you need help with tasks such as feeding, continence management, bathing, or dressing, you could be eligible for social care funding, provided you do not exceed the financial threshold established in the means test.


In contrast to England, Scotland offers personal care funding to all individuals assessed as needing it, regardless of their income, capital assets, or marital/civil partner status. An assessment for funding in Scotland evaluates your needs related to personal hygiene, continence management, dietary needs, mobility issues, counseling and support, and necessary nursing care, including clinical interventions.

However, if you require daily assistance with tasks like housework, laundry, shopping, outdoor activities, or meal provision, these services may be subject to charges and a means test assessment, which considers your income when determining available funding.


At UKHCS, we have cultivated strong relationships with numerous social services case managers who share our commitment to securing the right funded care package for our clients. Our collaborative efforts ensure that the care and support provided adapt to changing needs. Throughout this process, we engage with our clients and their families to ensure that everyone is actively involved in achieving meaningful and independent lives for our clients, while their families receive the support they require.

Does Social Services Provide Funding for Live-In Care or Visiting Care?


The Care Act of 2014 is the legislation that establishes the regulations governing council funding. It serves as the legal framework dictating the procedures local councils must follow when assessing your care requirements and determining your eligibility for social care funding.

Before the enactment of the Care Act, the regulations pertaining to individuals’ entitlement to care were scattered across various pieces of legislation, resulting in a complex and confusing system that was challenging to navigate.

The Care Act has streamlined this process, making it significantly more accessible to understand whether you qualify for publicly-funded care. Additionally, it clarifies your rights in case you need to contest any decisions you believe to be incorrect.


Several steps are involved in establishing your eligibility for social care funding, with the initial step being the care needs assessment. Your local council conducts this assessment to determine whether they will contribute to the cost of your care. This assessment is provided free of charge and can be requested by anyone.

During the assessment, a qualified professional from your local council, such as a nurse or social worker, will either visit you at your home or conduct the assessment in a hospital setting. Alternatively, you may be offered the option of a telephone or online assessment, although an in-person assessment is recommended whenever possible.

You will be asked about your care requirements and how you manage various day-to-day tasks, such as meal preparation, mobility, or personal care. Before your assessment, it’s advisable to consider the areas in your life where you believe you could benefit from additional care and support.

You can request an assessment by contacting your local council through telephone, written correspondence, or online communication. Since each council may have different procedures, it is recommended that you contact your specific council to obtain detailed information about their application process. If it is determined that you require care, you will undergo an additional financial assessment (means test) to determine if you will be required to contribute to the cost of your care.

Assessment of Financial Eligibility for Social Care Funding

Financial Assessment for Social Care Funding”

Means testing is the process used to assess your financial eligibility for receiving funding to support your care needs. The outcome of this assessment determines the amount of social care funding you are qualified to receive.

Your local authority will examine your income, savings, and property to ascertain the extent of your contribution towards the cost of your care. If you are receiving care in your own home, the means test typically does not consider the value of your property. However, if you permanently move into a care home, the means test may encompass the value of your property, which could affect the level of funding available to you.

When moving into a care home, your home is generally excluded from the means test if it remains occupied by:

  • Your partner or spouse
  • A close relative who is either over the age of sixty or incapacitated
  • A relative younger than sixteen whom you are legally obligated to support
  • An ex-partner if they are considered a single parent

Here is an example of how the means test is applied in England:

  • Capital: £23,250 or more

    • Costs to be met by you: You will be responsible for covering the entire cost of your care and support.
  • Capital: Between £14,250 and £23,250

    • Costs to be met by you: The local authority will provide partial funding for your care and support, while you will be required to contribute the remaining amount.
  • Capital: Less than £14,250

    • Costs to be met by you: Full social care funding will be provided, with the local authority covering the entire cost

How Social Care is Financed in the United Kingdom

Personal Health Budgets and Accessing Social Care Funding in the UK

If you are an adult eligible for social care funding, you may be offered the option of receiving your funding through a Personal Health Budget (PHB). The purpose of a PHB is to provide individuals living with long-term health conditions and disabilities with the freedom to choose and control how their funding is used to meet their health and well-being needs.

Social care funding in the UK is provided by your local authority, and there are various ways to manage your funding and care arrangements:

  1. Direct Payments: You or your representative receive the funding directly to procure and manage the care, support, and services you require. While there are guidelines and procedures to follow, this option offers more flexibility and control over your care choices. You will need to provide evidence of how the direct payments are spent.

  2. Third-Party Personal Health Budget: An independent organization, such as a legal representative, holds the funding on your behalf and arranges and pays for the care and support specified in your care plan.

  3. Notional Personal Health Budget: The funding allocated based on your assessed needs is managed by either your local authority or your NHS team. They will coordinate the care and support you need, including selecting the care provider and making direct payments. This means you do not receive the funding directly.

If you manage your personal budget, you have the freedom to choose your care provider. However, if the local authority manages it through your social services team, your options may be limited to providers on their preferred supplier list. Rest assured, approved care providers on this list undergo rigorous safety and compliance checks.

Accessing Social Care Funding in England:

The process for securing social care funding in England involves several steps:

  1. Start by consulting your GP. If they deem you eligible, they will refer you to your local authority.
  2. The adult services team at your local authority will arrange a care needs assessment.
  3. A report is generated outlining your assessed care and health needs.
  4. A financial assessment (means test) will be conducted to assess your ability to cover the cost of the care required, considering all your personal assets.

The results of the means test will determine whether you are eligible for full or partial social care funding or if you will need to self-fund your care.

Accessing Social Care Funding in Scotland:

In Scotland, you can access social care funding through the following steps:

  1. Contact your local authority’s social services team to arrange a care needs assessment.
  2. The social services team will conduct an assessment of your care needs.
  3. A report is generated outlining your assessed care and health needs.
  4. If you are assessed as needing personal care or nursing care, it will be funded by the local authority. However, you may need to fund other care and support needs.

Arranging Home Care:

If you are eligible for social care funding or already have it in place, we can offer impartial guidance on arranging home care for yourself or a loved one. Your personal budget will indicate the council’s contribution to your care, which may cover some or all of the cost of receiving care at home. We can create a customized care package that aligns with your unique care requirements, preferences, and budget considerations, ensuring you receive quality care in the comfort of your own home.

Feel free to reach out to one of our friendly care experts to discuss the next steps in organizing high-quality home care.


You may also discover that you qualify for the following Government funding options:

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for Children: If you have a child under the age of 16 with complex care needs requiring more support than a child without a disability, you may be eligible to apply for DLA.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for Adults: The government’s social care funding scheme, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), has replaced DLA for adults aged 16 and over with disabilities or long-term conditions. PIP is available to adults until they reach the state pension age.

Attendance Allowance: This benefit is available to individuals of state pension age or older who require care and support or have a disability, necessitating regular assistance from a family member.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): If you are unable to work due to a long-term illness or disability, you may be entitled to ESA.

Home Adaptation Funding: If your home needs minor modifications to make it more suitable for your care, you may be eligible for funding. Most local authorities offer up to £1,500 for small adaptations like installing lever taps or handrails. To qualify for this funding, you must have been assessed by your local authorities. Disabled Facilities Grants are also available for major adaptations, offering up to £35,000 if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Social Care Funding Resources: For independent information and advice on your home care funding options, consider reaching out to charitable organizations and advisory services, including Age UK, Independent Age, and the Money Advice Service.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our approachable care experts to discuss your social care funding options, or feel free to contact a nearby location. We offer unbiased guidance and advice to help you make the best choice for both you and your family.

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